Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 2- 212 days to go

I'm reading "A Race Like No Other" by Liz Robbins. It's a mile by mile multiple runner account of the marathon: experienced runners, "winners", novices like myself, lots of people with lots of reasons for running. The book terrifies me and excites me at the same time. Just a few things that struck me in the book, and I am just a bit into it- When Pam, 45 years old and recovering alcoholic "learned she had won a number from the New York City Marathon back in June, she was humbled by the odds she had beaten. Of the 43,989 U.S. residents who had applied, she was one of 8,157 accepted."
Very humbling. I read that awhile ago and underlined it, thinking the odds were low.
I also read in the first chapter about "The Wall-utter mental and physical depletion plaguing the body around the 20 mile marker that makes runners feel they have run up against a concrete barrier and can go no farther." There was also a line that said the Marathon "will hurt everybody in the race today." A lot of daunting stories.

I think about why I am running.

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