Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October 16th 24 miles!!!

The weather was cool, but nice at 6:30 am.  I drove to Keiths and met him and Matthew who got out of bed to join us.  We were supposed to do 22.  I had the route planned but switched at the last minute.  We ran together for the first 15 miles, and swung by the house to ditch gloves and sweatshirt and to ding dong ditch Jon.  The sun was out and the weather warming up.  K and I separated shortly after and the boy was gone-within a minute just a speck far in front of me.  I feel sometimes I'm slow as molasses when I reach a certain point. Its funny at that moment in my running, maybe around 18 miles or so, I notice my brain telling my body to pick it up and my legs just refusing.  The good thing, I guess for me the most important thing, is that my lungs feel great.  I can still breathe, not out of breathe at all, and feel like I can run forever if I didn't need my legs.  After nearly twenty years of smoking, I never thought that possible.  I also have picked up some tricks to alleviating pains in my neck-keep my head down, and breathe deeply into those sharp chest pains (thanks Keith) and they are gone.  The gatorade packets in the water help (thanks Leslie) and as much as I hate carrying something, my little water bottle has saved my life (to which I owe thanks to Andrea and I'm still not wearing a belt-ha.)
Around mile 18 entering Cherokee Park from Eastern Pkwy, my leg was cramping and I was holding it off as best I could and needed a water refill.  I decided it would be best to stop at the top of the hill, which I think was smart.  I wouldn't have wanted to stop then start from the bottom.  I made it through to Seneca Park and was not feeling all that great, pains in the legs, but pushed through to the other side towards Keiths house.  I made it to Breckinridge and had to stop to cross heavy traffic.  It took me  a minute to get across the road, but it was enough to make it too hard for me to restart.  I walked the last bit back to warm coffee and breakfast.  Good ending to a hard run.

the fog rolling away from the river
  and away he goes...speedy

sunrise on the watertower

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