Friday, October 15, 2010

Oct 2 20 Miles!!!

Keith and I planned on a 20 mile run- our longest to date and a test for me.  I was worried, the twenty miles would be a good way to answer exactly how worried I should be about New York.  We met at 6:15 am on Saturday morning.  I am at the end of my allergy bout, with the past two weeks of not being able to breathe, or sleep and cutting into my running a bit and completely cutting out my yoga.  I had been going to the chiropractor, and despite some positive results I think my "back" problems are here to stay.  I did learn that my neck curves the opposite way and that my problem is most likely a neck issue and not a back or shoulder issue.  We started our run early on the coldest morning yet of the fall, of course unprepared in sleeveless shirts and shorts and both complaining of not being able to feel our fingers.  I think we both made mental notes to include a ditchable long sleeve sweatshirt, gloves and hat on the next run.  I mapped the first part of our run down Bardstown Rd. to have the benefit of the streetlights.  We left the main road and entered into the Seneca golf course as the sky started to turn.   About 8 miles in on the downhill from Seneca park towards Cherokee, I made an amazing discovery in regards to my neck pain.  Instead of running with my arm over my head, I ran with my head down and immediately noticed pressure taken off the knot in my neck.  I ran the rest of the way with my head down and able to for once focus on other pains in my body.   I designed our route to include some substantial hills a little over halfway into the run.  Mile ten through thirteen included both hills of Cherokee and exiting the park up Cochran Tunnel hill which made the tiny "bumps" in Beargrass creek seem like a steep incline.  Miles 14 through 17 took us down to River Road and Waterfront Park.  Keith is a good running partner and I feel bad if I slowed him down, at that time I felt a bit sluggish and that I had slowed down a bit.  The last two miles through the heart of downtown to Broadway then home.  And I did it-three hours and 25 minutes later, but I didn't stop and its given me a bit of hope for the twenty six.  I was only mildly sore and a bit dehydrated from the run, but I felt really good.  

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