Saturday, August 7, 2010

Runningrunningrunning Aug 6

The past few weeks I have been traveling to Atlanta, DC and Rehoboth Beach, and despite the oppressive heat and humidity, have been running still.  I've had mostly good runs, with heat being the only major issue, and minor issues like the sunburn on my feet and my routes being unknown.  Marc and I ran in DC early in the morning from Dupont Circle down to the mall and Kennedy Center, on a great path alongside the river.

We ended up leaving the path at some point, because we had no clue where we were, hopped out on a busy road with not much shoulder, got honked at a few times,  and when we figured out where we were, it was close to our hotel.
Rehoboth Beach was beautiful and we got a break from the heat, but not the sun.  I ran past Poodle Beach along the boardwalk to the Henlopen State Park and Whiskey Beach and back, about 6 miles.

If I look angry in the picture, it was the tops of my feet being burnt and after three of the six miles in the sun.  Or I'm just an angry person.  Either way, I'm on the beach.

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