Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nov 2nd- 5 days!!

I leave in two days for NYC, a bit nervous, but mostly excited.   I'm not sure what to expect, but am looking forward to the challenge.  I just hope I make my bus, I hope my bladder and my back hold out, my ankles stay strong, and I finish in a reasonable amount of time.  I worry about the dreaded wall, that I haven't eaten the right thing before the race, or drank enough water.  I worry that I am going to twist my ankle walking across the street the day before, or that I am not going to be able to resist being in New York and spend all day Saturday sight seeing and wear myself out.  I am trying to focus on the positive things about myself that will help me through.  I am positive that I have trained properly and though I am fairly slow, I can run distances.  I am happy with the way my lungs feel during long runs.  I'm absolutely positive that I have put too much into this and am way too stubborn to give up mid-race.  I have gotten somewhat a handle on my neck pains.  I am humbled by such immense support from Jon, and my sister Laura, my running buddies-Keith and Leslie, Lu and the Andreas and my friends.  I think that will keep me going through the "wall" or whatever obstacle.    I feel 100% positive that I have quit smoking for good and am finally going to put a nail in the coffin of that old habit.  I never thought I could do anything like this and, hopefully, I can check this off my list on Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. Love you!!! You are going to do an amazing job...I'm so proud of you!
